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Thanks to one very generous donor that wishes to remain anonymous, until the end of August 2019 all donations (up to $5000) to one of our partners via one of these payment method  will be matched by Compassion Sans Borders . You will also get a tax receipt for your donation, if you wish, as we are a registered 501 C 3 charity. Please do not donate directly to the charity as we cannot match these donations. 




























Please indicate "Rescatame" or "Collares Rojos"  or  " Save a Friend " or "HearRock Dog Rescue" or
"Animal Rescue Cambodia" or "
Save Patras Strays" on the "For" line so we can direct the funds to the charity of your choice.


If you wish to donate our preferred donation methods are:


1.  A good old fashioned check made out to Compassion Sans Borders, as there are no fees
     subtracted from money received this way.


    Mailing address is:
    1016 S Wayne St #709 
    Arlington VA 22204


2. We also favor Venmo as they will allow up to $2999.99 without any fees.


     Our account name is: CompassionSans-Borders 


3. We have a Paypal account, however they charge 3% on each donation,  it is the only option for international donations.


    Our account name is : 






Rescatame - Punta Cana - Dominican Republic

Collares Rojos

Collares Rojos - Bayahibe - Dominican Republic


Save a Friend - Bogota - Colombia

Save Patras Strays

Save Patras Strays - Patras - Greece

HeadRock Dog Rescue

HeadRock Dog Rescue - Thailand

Animal Rescue Cambodia

Animal Rescue Cambodia

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