Thanks to one very generous donor that wishes to remain anonymous, until the end of August 2019 all donations (up to $5000) to one of our partners via one of these payment method will be matched by Compassion Sans Borders . You will also get a tax receipt for your donation, if you wish, as we are a registered 501 C 3 charity. Please do not donate directly to the charity as we cannot match these donations.
Please indicate "Rescatame" or "Collares Rojos" or " Save a Friend " or "HearRock Dog Rescue" or
"Animal Rescue Cambodia" or "Save Patras Strays" on the "For" line so we can direct the funds to the charity of your choice.
If you wish to donate our preferred donation methods are:
1. A good old fashioned check made out to Compassion Sans Borders, as there are no fees
subtracted from money received this way.
Mailing address is:
1016 S Wayne St #709
Arlington VA 22204
2. We also favor Venmo as they will allow up to $2999.99 without any fees.
Our account name is: CompassionSans-Borders
3. We have a Paypal account, however they charge 3% on each donation, it is the only option for international donations.
Our account name is :