Eating Man's Best Friend
by Chantal Briere https://issuu.com/thevirginiadog/docs/vamddog_spring16_web/8

The story of Bone
This beautiful boy was rescued from a horrific situation in Patra, Greece by a devoted local rescuer. These are the people and animals we strive to help. https://youtu.be/SnrJc-33YbQ

A visitor to Kosovo spotted Strike on the side of a road in September 2016 and he was in dire straits. He was bald from mange and completely malnourished. When you hear the saying, “a bag of bones,” well, that was Strike. The kind person who found Strike got him help and over the next 8 months he healed from his early life of complete neglect. Strike grew soft and fluffy and learned to love humans and every second of life. A member of our armed forces was able to take Strike back to Washington DC with him. Strike pretty much smiles all of the time and greets every stranger with a “Where have you been all of my life?” kind of hello. He now has a loving family thanks to Lost Dog and Cats Foundation,